Can Rosemary Oil Treat Hair Loss?

Most of the hair-boosting rosemary essential oil benefits are based on anecdotal evidence. Claims do show that the oil may treat hair loss. Rosemary oil benefits for hair include: What Are Its Benefits? It maintains scalp health by alleviating dandruff and irritation, boosts blood circulation, and cleanses hair follicles, thus supporting healthy hair growth. Who Can Use It? Rosemary oil is suitable for all hair types. How Often? It can be used 1-3 times weekly. Caution Pregnant and lactating women and those with hypertension and essential oil allergy should avoid using rosemary oil.

Rosemary oil helps stimulate blood circulation to the scalp. This, in turn, can promote hair growth. Rosemary oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesici  A type of medication that relieves physical pain and discomfort without making the person unconscious. properties (1), (2). These may help soothe the scalp. Rosemary oil exhibits antifungal properties against Malassezia furfur, fungi that cause dandruff (3). The oil from the herb may cleanse the hair folliclesi  Sacs in which sebaceous (oil) glands open and lead to hair growth, damage to which can lead to hair loss or reduce hair growth. and scalp. This could reduce the risk of dandruff and hair fall. The oil may also repair hair damage.

More research is warranted to understand the beneficial effects of rosemary oil on hair. However, some studies that were conducted did show favorable results.

Rosemary Oil For Hair – What Research Says

Rosemary is generally hailed as a great herb for hair growth. A study found that the oil extracted from rosemary could help in treating androgenetic alopeciai  Permanent hair loss from the scalp common in both men and women that usually results in baldness. . The study compared the effects of rosemary oil to minoxidil, a medication used for hair loss. The results showed that rosemary oil was as effective as 2% minoxidil in controlling hair loss (4). Aromatherapy with rosemary oil (and other essential oils) was also found to improve alopecia areata in patients (6). The patients who massaged the essential oil mixture (including rosemary oil) into their scalp daily showed better hair regrowth. Check out the next section to learn how you can prepare rosemary oil for hair growth at home.

How To Make Rosemary Oil For Hair

Give your hair a natural boost with homemade rosemary oil! Here’s a simple guide: What You Need

Dry rosemary sprigs A carrier oil (like olive oil or coconut oil) A glass jar with a tight lid A storage container

What To Do Ella, a lifestyle blogger, shared how she prepared rosemary oil for personal use without adopting the heating method. She writes on her blog, “I poured some olive oil in an empty container, put the dried rosemary in it, then sealed the container (i).” Ella adds, “I didn’t use heat to infuse it so I wouldn’t destroy the properties of the oil.” She then kept the container in a dark corner for three weeks. So, if you’re looking for a natural remedy to improve the health of your hair, you might want to consider using rosemary leaves for hair care. Using rosemary oil for hair growth is simple. In the following section, we have listed a couple of recipes that can help you if you are unsure of how to use rosemary oil for hair growth.

How To Use Rosemary Oil For Hair Growth

1. Rosemary Hot Oil Treatment

Hot oil treatment can be a great way to deep condition your hair. The process is efficient and requires minimal ingredients. The treatment can also help tackle dry, damaged hair while improving scalp health. You Will Need

2 to 4 drops of rosemary essential oil 2 tablespoons of carrier oil (coconut, olive, or almond oils) Hot towel or shower cap Shampoo Conditioner

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This You can treat your hair to a hot oil treatment up to 2 times a week. Note: Do not overheat the oil as it may burn your scalp. Overheating the oil may also reduce its nutrients. You may use this recipe even if your hair is greasy.

2. Rosemary Leave-in Conditioner

Rosemary promotes hair growth in ways similar to minoxidil, a medication for hair growth (4). Using it as a leave-in conditioner may leave the hair feeling glossy and soft. It may also treat itchy or dandruff-ridden scalp. You Will Need

1 tablespoon of rosemary leaves/15 drops of rosemary essential oil 1 cup of water Tea infuser Spray bottle

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This You can use this leave-in treatment every time you wash your hair or in between washes to freshen your hair. Note: Use this treatment with caution if you have high blood pressure or are pregnant. Anecdotal evidence suggests that rosemary oil may have adverse effects on pregnant women or those with high blood pressure levels. However, direct research is lacking in this aspect.

3. Rosemary Water (Rosemary Hair Rinse)

Rosemary hair rinse may make your hair shiny and manageable. It may stimulate the scalp and prevent hair loss. You Will Need

1 tablespoon of dried rosemary leaves 1 cup of water

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Use this rinse once a week. Note: Ensure the rosemary water has completely cooled before you pour it through your hair. Water too hot can open up the cuticles and lead to moisture loss.

4. Rosemary Shampoo

Using rosemary as shampoo may promote hair growth. You Will Need

A rosemary shampoo bar 1 tablespoon of dried rosemary 3 cups of water

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Use this shampoo no more than 3 times a week. Note: Use the shampoo for longer than a week to allow your hair to get adapted to it. Your hair may look greasier in the first week.

5. Rosemary Vinegar

Hair growth could sometimes slow down due to the build-up of dirt or product residue. This build-up may clog your follicles and form deposits on your hair shaft. Using a rosemary vinegar rinse can help solve this issue. You Will Need

1 cup of apple cider vinegar 3 to 4 sprigs of fresh rosemary 2 cups of water

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Use this rinse once a month in addition to other rosemary treatments. Note: Do not use the rosemary vinegar in excess. This is especially important if you have dry hair. An excess of the vinegar can dehydrate your hair. Rosemary oil seems to benefit hair in a number of ways. However, the oil comes with its own set of adverse effects. While these effects are only based on anecdotal evidence, they must still be considered.

Side Effects Of Rosemary Oil For Hair

Avoid getting rosemary essential oil into your eyes. If contact does happen, rinse your eyes immediately with cold water. The oil may cause eye irritation in some.

Applying too much rosemary oil to your scalp may cause irritation. Using a carrier oil along with rosemary oil may help prevent this.

No study particularly states that rosemary oil is safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women. Hence, avoid the oil altogether. The same applies to individuals with high blood pressure levels.

How Long Does Rosemary Oil Take To Boost Hair Growth

The effects of rosemary oil on hair growth may be seen in a month. Regular use of the oil may boost hair growth rate and hair volume. Remember not to switch between too many ingredients. Everyone’s hair is different. Hence, use in your treatments the ingredients that suit you the best (and those you are not allergic to). Can I spray rosemary oil on my hair every day? Yes, you can spray rosemary oil on your hair every day. Once you notice hair growth or the desired improvement in hair health, you can reduce that to every alternate day or once or twice a week. Does rosemary thicken hair? Rosemary may stimulate hair growth, promote hair strengthening, keep your scalp free from fungal infections, and reduce hair fall. It stimulates blood flow to the scalp and has anti-inflammatory properties to soothe it. All the properties improve your overall hair health, which promotes hair thickening and makes your hair more beautiful. Does rosemary darken your hair? Anecdotal evidence suggests that herbal remedies containing rosemary can darken hair. However, you may not see substantial results. Instead, it improves overall hair health, which may impact hair’s appearance and grow darker. Mix rosemary with hair-darkening ingredients like henna or tea to make hair darker. How long can you store rosemary oil for hair? You can store rosemary oil in an airtight bottle or container for 5-6 months.

Illustration: Rosemary Oil For Hair Growth – How To Use It And Side Effects

Discover the power of rosemary for your hair! Whether you are seeking hair growth, combatting hair loss, or tackling gray hair, this video provides natural remedies and tips for healthier locks. i. How I made my rosemary oil and benefits

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