This article will discuss the symptoms and causes of poor skin turgor and how to treat it. Continue reading.

Skin tenting. This is when you pinch your skin, and it stays up like a tent for some time before it goes back to normal The skin does not spring back when pulled because it is loose. Dry skin Dehydrated skin Nausea. Skin discoloration.

But what are the causes of poor skin turgor? Keep scrolling to find out!

What Are The Causes For Poor Skin Turgor?

Common causes of poor skin turgor include (1) (2) (3):

Decreased fluid intake Dehydration Diarrhea Diabetes Extreme weight loss Fever Heat exhaustion (excessive sweating without enough fluid intake) Vomiting Excessive sweating Low blood plasma Old age

All these cause poor skin turgor. But how does your doctor diagnose the skin turgor? Learn all about it in the next section.

How To Diagnose Poor Skin Turgor

Your doctor will pinch or pull your skin (on the back of your hand or on the abdomen) and assess how long it takes to return to its natural position. This will help them determine your skin elasticity.

Treatment Options Available For Poor Skin Turgor

Hydration is the key when it comes to improving skin turgor. Want to know how to hydrate your skin? You can do a few things to increase water retention in your body and improve your skin turgor and texture. They include the following:

Take lots of fluids. Consume electrolyte drinks regularly. Consume over-the-counter oral rehydration solutions.  These solutions have specified quantities of water and salts to restore both fluids and electrolytes in your body. You can also hydrate yourself by eating certain foods. For example, opt for juicy fruits like melons and oranges to boost skin hydration. Daniel Boyer, M.D., Author at Farr Institute, adds, “If your dehydration is caused due to vomiting, your doctor may prescribe anti-emetic medication to resolve vomiting.” Severely dehydrated people should be treated immediately.

In the following section, we have suggested a few tips to improve your skin turgor and overall skin health. Keep reading!

How Can I Improve My Skin Turgor?

Here are a few things you can do to improve your skin turgor and boost your skin appearance:

Quit smoking. Wear sunscreen daily. Exercise daily. Follow a healthy, balanced diet. Get your beauty rest. Use moisturizing skin care products. Stay hydrated.

In most cases, you can get rid of poor skin turgor with home remedies and over-the-top treatment options. However, in some extreme cases, you need to consult your doctor to improve the firmness of skin that helps you regain the skin turgor. Read the next section to find out more.

When To Visit A Doctor

Consult a doctor if you have any of the following symptoms along with poor skin turgor:

Diarrhea Fever If you pinch your skin and it stays up for a longer time than usual.It indicates severe dehydration that needs quick treatment. You have poor skin turgor and cannot increase your intake of fluids, for example, because of vomiting.

The Final Takeaway

Skin turgor is the skin’s ability to change shape and return to normal. It is the skin’s elastic nature. To check your skin turgor, pinch the skin between your fingers. If your skin takes time to return to normal, it means that you have low skin moisture content and poor skin turgor. It can be treated at home by drinking lots of fluids and incorporating natural home remedies for skin tightening. However, it is important to consult a doctor if you have symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and fever as well. What does decreased skin turgor mean? Decreased skin turgor means the same as poor skin turgor. It is the decreased ability of the skin to return to its original state. Why do we check skin turgor? We check skin turgor to determine the skin’s elasticity and for signs of dehydration. Do older adults have increased skin turgor? Yes, older adults have increased skin turgor. It is because the skin loses its elasticity with aging. Hence it is difficult to distinguish skin turgor or dehydration in older adults. So, skin turgor is tested on the forehead usually which has longer skin turgor. Does diabetes cause poor skin turgor? Yes, diabetes causes poor skin turgor. An increase in blood glucose levels triggers frequent urination, which may lead to dehydration if adequate water intake is not maintained which results in poor skin turgor (4).

Illustration: Poor Skin Turgor: Symptoms Causes And Treatments

Check out the captivating video below that offers an in-depth exploration of skin turgor, shedding light on its implications and possible underlying causes. Get ready to deepen your understanding of this vital aspect of skin health!

Poor Skin Turgor  Symptoms  Causes  And Treatments - 87Poor Skin Turgor  Symptoms  Causes  And Treatments - 15Poor Skin Turgor  Symptoms  Causes  And Treatments - 64Poor Skin Turgor  Symptoms  Causes  And Treatments - 30Poor Skin Turgor  Symptoms  Causes  And Treatments - 64Poor Skin Turgor  Symptoms  Causes  And Treatments - 8Poor Skin Turgor  Symptoms  Causes  And Treatments - 34Poor Skin Turgor  Symptoms  Causes  And Treatments - 42Poor Skin Turgor  Symptoms  Causes  And Treatments - 13Poor Skin Turgor  Symptoms  Causes  And Treatments - 62Poor Skin Turgor  Symptoms  Causes  And Treatments - 33Poor Skin Turgor  Symptoms  Causes  And Treatments - 62Poor Skin Turgor  Symptoms  Causes  And Treatments - 39