Understanding Belly Fat
There are two basic types of belly fat: visceral and subcutaneous. You can pinch subcutaneous fat, which is just under the skin and helps shape the body. On the other hand, visceral fat is located further into the abdominal cavity and surrounds internal organs such as the intestines and liver. Subcutaneous fat is not as dangerous as visceral fat. The control of visceral fat is essential for general health because it is linked to an increased risk of significant health disorders like heart disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome (1). Understanding the differences between visceral and subcutaneous belly fat helps the evaluation of the health risks associated with abdominal fat and how much that may be considered excessive. Scroll down to know more.
How Much Belly Fat Is Too Much?
The amount of belly fat that is considered “too much” can depend on factors like your health, age, gender, and body composition. One common way to determine excess belly fat is by checking your waist circumference. According to NIH, the following is considered as too much belly fat (2):
A waist circumference greater than 35 inches for women. A waist circumference greater than 40 inches for men.
You can use a tape to measure your belly fat. Stand straight and breathe out. Place the tape around your middle, just above your hip bones, and note the measurements. If it is greater than the values mentioned above, you may have excess belly fat. Wondering what causes excess lower belly fat? Scroll down to find out.
What Causes Lower Belly Pooch?
Jesse Feder, Clinical Dietitian at the Memorial Regional Hospital South, says, “Women’s lower belly could be sticking out for several reasons. However, the most common reasons include bloating and/or stomach fat.” Let’s take a look at the causes:
Poor Diet
No surprise! Poor diet is the number one reason more than 59% of adults in the US have belly fat (3). Consuming too many processed foods (salami, sausage, wafers, pizza, burger, etc.) and not enough vegetables and fruits affects your body functions. This leads to slow metabolismi The chemical process in the body to convert calories in food and drinks into energy. and chronic inflammationi A slow, long-term inflammation caused by infection or injury that may last for years. in the body. Chronic inflammation, in turn, induces fat accumulation in the belly region (4), (5).
Too Much Alcohol
There goes your weekend out the window! Kidding. Limited alcohol consumption is fine. Things go downhill when you consume more than 60 mL of alcohol every day. Alcohol causes dehydration (6). Dehydration causes inflammation and inflammation-induced weight gain. Alcohol also gets stored as fat in the body if you don’t drink enough water and workout regularly.
Lack Of Exercise
Exercising is the best way to shed fat and feel great. Leading a comfortable, sedentary life might seem easy, but it’s not recommended. To keep your body healthy and active, you have to exercise every day. Your circulation, metabolism, digestion, sleep, and brain function will improve 10 fold. The ultimate result – reduced stress and chronic inflammation.
With practice, you can be calm and think of a real solution instead of getting stressed about issues. Stress increases the chances of accumulating fat in the lower belly region. The trigger is the same – inflammation.
You just gave birth to a squishy and cute life. Congratulations! But the hormonal and physical adjustments your body went through are now showing up in various forms. One of those signs is belly pooch.
You can toss away jeans but not your genes. If you are stuck with genes that add to your belly fat problem, we feel you. Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to accumulating excess fat in the abdominal region, leading to a belly pooch. According to a Danish study done on twins, the heritability of total fat was estimated to be between 83% and 86%, and that of regional fat (trunk, lower body, trunk/lower body) to be between 71% and 85%. Various issues like obesity, anxiety, depression, stress, diabetes, heart disease, hormonal ups and downs, etc. are hereditary. You cannot do much about it. But, don’t let that bog you down. You can counteract the effect of your genes and get rid of that tummy pooch. Wondering how to get rid of lower belly fat? Scroll down to find out! Main Idea: A sedentary lifestyle, stress, genetics, and pregnancy might cause lower belly pooch.
How To Get Rid Of Belly Pooch Fast
1. A Good Diet Always Rewards
Nutritious and filling foods are best for losing that belly pooch. Add leafy greens and other veggies to your diet. Consume low-GI fruitsi Fruits with a low Glycemic Index, which have less of an effect on the body’s blood sugar levels. like cantaloupes, grapefruits, and berries. Consume lean protein like fish, chicken breast, and ground turkey. Include plant proteins like lentils, beans, nuts, seeds, and soy. Don’t ignore healthy fats like avocado, olive oil, ghee, avocado oil, seeds, and nuts. The best way to consume these foods is to have them raw, boiled, or sautéed.
2. Eliminate High-Calorie Foods
Refined sugar, refined flour, fried foods, frozen foods, canned foods, and fast foods are high in calories. Some of these may not be high in calories, but the amount of salt, preservatives, and additives they contain make them potentially dangerous for your health. Start by reducing the consumption of these foods. Gradually, eliminate them from the diet. Taylor, a blogger, writes about a week-long challenge she had undertaken to eliminate junk food from her diet. She writes, “To be completely honest this week wasn’t easy for me. I failed many times. But I kept going. In one week of cutting out most of my sugar and empty carbs I lost four and a half pounds. That made me wonder how much food had I been consuming that was actually promoting weight gain? (i)”.
3. Tone Up With HIIT
The best workout you can ever do. Draining yet highly effective, HIIT is a great way to shed fat and get a toned body. It is anaerobic exercisei Short, high-intensity exercises that don’t require the body and muscles to use oxygen. , and you will do small bouts of high-intensity exercises at equal intervals. Sprints, jump squats, Russian twists, leg in and out, flutter kicks, and crunches are good for tummy toning.
4. Practice The Tupler Technique
The Tupler technique helps new mommies to rejoin the stretched connective tissues in the belly region and also in waistline reduction. You have to wear a splint for six weeks and avoid vigorous exercises. After your abdominal muscles heal, you may start exercising.
5. Minimize Stress Levels
Do what you like in your free time. Make time for yourself, even if it is 20 minutes a day. Read a book, dance, paint, cook, skate, put on makeup, sing, walk, play, and meditate. De-stress as much as possible. Unwind every day and not just on the weekends. Focused breathing and meditation are two mindfulness techniques that can reduce cortisol levels, which are associated with increased fat storage, especially in the abdominal region (7). These techniques, which encourage relaxation and lower stress levels, can help control emotional eating and enhance general self-awareness, which in turn supports better eating habits and weight control.
6. Avoid Gas-Producing Foods
Certain foods may cause bloating. Avoid those. Most fast foods, sodas, cabbage, radish, cauliflower, etc. may cause bloating.
7. Avoid Being Constantly Seated
“Posture can most definitely cause a lower belly pooch. I see a lot of nutrition and training clients who can already see a big difference in their belly when they sit and stand with good posture,” says Jesse Feder. Sitting is the new smoking. Be it at work, home, or while commuting, we sit more than we stand or walk. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity (like brisk walking) every week to stay active (8). Main Idea: A good diet, exercise, de-stressing, and leading a better lifestyle can help you get rid of the belly pooch. What can you do to whittle away the tummy flab? First, follow this diet chart.
Sample Diet Chart To Get Rid Of Belly Pooch
Early morning (7:00 a.m.) – 1 cup water with 2 teaspoons fenugreek seeds soaked overnight
Alternatively, start your day with 1 warm glass of lemon water.
Breakfast (8:00 a.m.) – Oatmeal with 4 almonds, 2 dates, and strawberry/blueberry
Alternatively, try a smoothie with 1 cup almond milk, 1 banana, and 1 cup spinach, or 1 cup Greek yogurt with 1 tablespoon honey and 1/2 cup mixed fruits.
Snack (10:30 a.m.) – 1 cup green tea + 1 digestive biscuit
Alternatively, have a small handful (about ¼ cup) of mixed nuts or 1 medium apple.
Lunch (12:30 p.m.) – ½ cup brown rice + 3 oz chicken/fish (or 1 cup dahl) + ½ cup sautéed veggies.
Alternatively, enjoy 1 cup quinoa salad with ½ cup chickpeas and 1 cup mixed vegetables, or a whole-grain wrap with 3 oz lean turkey and 1 cup veggies.
Snack (3:30 p.m.) – 1 cup green tea + 10 in-shell (unsalted) pistachios
Alternatively, have 1 cup of carrot sticks with 2 tablespoons of hummus or 1 small apple with 1 tablespoon of almond butter.
Dinner (6:30 p.m.) – 1 cup mushroom clear soup or Kidney bean chili
Alternatively, enjoy 1 cup grilled vegetable stir-fry with 3 oz chicken, or 1 cup hearty lentil soup. Next, do these abdominal exercises.
Exercises To Reduce Belly Pooch
1. Bicycle Crunches
Bicycle crunches work on your upper abdomen muscles, middle abdomen, lower abdomen muscles, side waist muscles, quadriceps, and calf, making them one of the top flat abs exercises. This is a fun workout and here’s how to do it. Steps:
2. Forward Plank
This is an excellent exercise to strengthen your core. Forward plank works on your glutes, upper and lower abdomen muscles, quadriceps, and hamstrings. Here is how to do it. Steps
3. Side Crunches
This is a very easy but effective exercise. It works on your mid-abdomen and lower abdomen muscles, glutes, and obliques. Here is how to do it. Steps
4. Scissor Kicks
Here is one of the most popular lower ab workouts for women. This exercise may look simple and easy to do but is very effective when it comes to losing a belly pooch. It acts on your lower abdomen and upper abdomen muscles. Here are the steps. Steps
5. U- Boat
This is one more easy exercise that acts on your lower abdomen muscles. Here are the steps to do it. Steps Main Idea: Diet and exercise are a MUST to lose belly flab. Learn how to get rid of that pesky lower belly pooch with this reverse sit-up technique in the video below! Get ready to tone and strengthen your core and get the body you’ve always wanted. What causes upper belly pooch? Jesse Feder, “The cause of upper belly pooch can also be due to both belly fat and/or bloating.” Is it possible to lose belly pooch by skipping? Jesse opines that it is possible to lose belly pooch from skipping. Skipping can be a good cardio workout that can help you burn off extra calories and, in turn, reduce belly fat. Will my belly pooch ever go away? “You can start to lose belly pooch in as little as a week. However, results can vary depending on the methods used to achieve your results. If you combine a healthy diet plan with a good exercise plan, you can see results quicker than if you were to do one or the other,” says Jesse Feder. Why is it so hard to lose a belly pooch? Insulin resistancei When the cells in the liver and muscles are sensitive to insulin and cannot absorb glucose from the blood. and slower fat metabolism in the cells could make it harder to get rid of fat in certain areas of the body, including the abdomen (8). Why am I skinny but have a pooch? This could be most likely due to genetics, bad eating habits, lack of exercise, and underdeveloped core muscles. You need to modify your lifestyle and diet to increase your core strength and tone the muscles by distributing the fat evenly. Is lower belly pooch normal? It could seem normal post-pregnancy, and due to genetics or aging. However, you can always work on the core muscles to reduce and get rid of the belly fat. How to lose lower belly fat? Following a healthy diet, being consistent with cardiovascular workouts, and a proper lifestyle may help lose lower belly fat. It is also recommended to avoid junk food and sugary beverages to get rid of lower belly fat.