Here, we will be discussing the benefits of balasana. The Sanskrit words ‘bala’ (बाल), which means child and ‘asana’ (आसन), which means stance, combine to give this asana its name. This asana is similar to being in the fetal posture. It is a relaxing pose that concentrates on the thighs and helps with back pain relief. It also provides a deep sensation of physical, mental, and emotional calm. Scroll down to read more about it.

Everything You Need To Know About Balasana

What You Should Know Before You Do This Asana

Like any other yoga asana, this one too must be performed at least four to six hours after a meal. Your bowels and stomach must be empty when you practice this position. Being a resting pose, it can be practiced whenever you need to catch your breath or relax, either in the midst of your workout or afterwards. The 2017 National Health Interview Survey revealed that yoga emerged as the predominant complementary health and wellness practice in the United States (14.3%) compared to meditation or meeting a chiropractor. Women (19.8%) were more inclined than men (8.6%) to participate in yoga within the past 12 months. Yoga was more than twice as prevalent among adults aged 18-44 (17.9%) compared to individuals aged 65 and over (6.7%).

Level: Basic Style: Vinyasa Duration: 1 to 3 Minutes Repetition: None Stretches: Hip, Thigh, Ankle Strengthens: Back, Neck, Shoulders

How To Do Balasana (Child Pose)

Precautions And Contraindications

These are some points of caution to take into consideration before you do this asana.

Beginner’s Tips

This is one of the most basic yoga asanas for beginners. So if you are just starting out, these pointers will help you in your practice.

Pose Alterations

To try a variation of this asana, you can also place your hands beside your body, alongside your torso, with your palms facing upwards. This will increase the relaxation quotient in the asana.

The Benefits Of Balasana (Child Pose)

A blogger, documenting her fitness journey, shares insights on Balasana: “Child’s pose, with your arms out front, is a great stretch for my back and shoulders; I absolutely love it. I can feel my shoulders open (not sure if that’s the right word?), and it gives me great comfort (i).”

The Science Behind The Child Pose

The Balasana is a restorative, calming pose that relaxes and rejuvenates the body. The stretch in the back relaxes the spinal column. It calms the muscles, thereby helping to alleviate pain, especially in the back, neck, and shoulders. The knees are also stretched and relaxed, and therefore, the tendons, muscles, as well as joints are healed and made ready for functioning. The Balasna pose resembles a fetal position and is said to provide physical, mental, and emotional solace to the being. This pose truly promotes positive feelings, transporting you back to your childhood days and stripping you off ill feelings and arrogance.

Preparatory Poses


Follow-Up Poses

Balasana is a resting pose that can precede or follow any asana. This asana should be practiced after any arm balancing asana and head stand pose. Balasana is a basic yoga posture that brings out the child in you. While it completely stretches and relaxes your body, it also successfully makes you very happy. If you wish to put together a well-rounded 30-minute yoga routine, follow-up the Balasana with other poses such as Sukhasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, and Tadasana for holistic well-being. Get ready to experience the calming and grounding effects of Balasana or the child’s pose. Follow the steps in the video below to learn how to do it correctly and reap its benefits. How many times should you do Balasana? You may do Balasana 5-10 times in one go. Hold the position for a few minutes every time. Can I sleep in a child’s pose? No. Sleeping in this position may get uncomfortable after a while. Therefore, it is better not to hold the position for more than a minute. However, doing this yoga may stretch the thigh and hip muscles, relieve tension and fatigue, and promote better sleep. Can Balasana be practiced during pregnancy? It’s best to be done with the help of a yoga instructor or practitioner during pregnancy. Can Balasana be included in a regular yoga routine? Yes, Balasana can be included in the regular yoga routine as a restorative pose. Can Balasana be modified for individuals with limited flexibility? Yes, Balasana can be modified for individuals with limited flexibility with the help of bolsters or bricks. Can Balasana be practiced outside of a yoga class? Yes, Balasana can be practiced outside of a yoga class as a standalone yoga pose for relaxation.

How To Do The Balasana And What Are Its Benefits - 50How To Do The Balasana And What Are Its Benefits - 64How To Do The Balasana And What Are Its Benefits - 99How To Do The Balasana And What Are Its Benefits - 35How To Do The Balasana And What Are Its Benefits - 3How To Do The Balasana And What Are Its Benefits - 74How To Do The Balasana And What Are Its Benefits - 92How To Do The Balasana And What Are Its Benefits - 82How To Do The Balasana And What Are Its Benefits - 45How To Do The Balasana And What Are Its Benefits - 79How To Do The Balasana And What Are Its Benefits - 19How To Do The Balasana And What Are Its Benefits - 3