But before you try any of the remedies that we discuss here, you must know how to distinguish insomnia from a few days of poor sleep. Read on to know all about insomnia, its forms and causes, and some home remedies to help with it. Scroll down!

What Is Insomnia?

Insomnia is termed as the inability to fall asleep and/or stay asleep. This sleep disorder can be either short term or long term. Irritability, fatigue, poor concentration, and headache are some of the debilitating effects of insomnia.

Types Of Insomnia

Depending on the period for which one is affected with insomnia, it is classified into acute insomnia and chronic insomnia.

Acute Vs. Chronic Insomnia

Short-term insomnia is called acute insomnia. It lasts for from a few days to up to a few weeks. When insomnia lasts for a month or longer, it is called chronic insomnia.

What Causes Insomnia?

Acute insomnia usually results from stress due to family or work or when one has suffered trauma (2). Chronic insomnia, on the other hand, is usually caused as a side effect of other problems. Hence, it is also called secondary insomnia. The causes are as listed below:

Medications such as those for asthma, cold, and allergies Neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’si  A neurodegenerative disease that causes cells in the brain to shrink and impairs memory and other important mental functions. and Parkinson’s diseasei  A progressive disorder that affects the central nervous system and causes unintended and uncontrollable movements like tremors. Sleep disorders like restless legs syndrome and breathing-related ailments like sleep apnea Problems that involve chronic pain like arthritis Overactive thyroid gland Health issues that cause breathing problems like asthma Menopause Excessive caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, or related substances (3)

A survey conducted online with 50,054 students revealed that the prevalence of insomnia among females ranged from 61.3% for comorbid depression to 83.3% for comorbid schizophrenia. For males, the prevalence of insomnia ranged from 32.3% for autism to Asperger’s syndrome and 74.2% for an eating disorder. This demonstrates the close relationship between psychological or emotional disorders and insomnia.

Natural Sleep Aids For Insomnia

  1. Foods For Insomnia (a) Kiwi Fruit (b) Banana (c) Honey (d) Milk 2.Best Oils For Insomnia (a) Lavender (b) Coconut Oil (c) Castor Oil (d) Black Seed Oil (e) Fish Oil (f) Rosewood Oil 3. Best Juice For Insomnia – Tart Cherry Juice 4. Best Herbs For Insomnia (a) Valerian (b) Garlic (c) Jujube 5.Best Teas For Insomnia (a) Chamomile Tea (b) Green Tea (c) Rooibos Tea 6. Lemon Balm 7. Vitamins For Insomnia 8. Exercise, Yoga, And Meditation

Here Are The Top 8 Home Remedies For Insomnia

1. Foods For Insomnia

(a) Kiwi Fruit For Insomnia

2 kiwis Eat two fresh kiwi fruits one hour before going to bed. Continue this every night. You will start noticing results in a few weeks. Kiwis are rich in antioxidants, which alleviate the oxidative stress on the brain that may be causing insomnia. Also, kiwis contain serotonin that helps relax the mind (5).

(b) Banana For Insomnia

1 banana 1-2 cups of water Cinnamon powder (optional)

  1. Cut the ends of the banana and boil it in the water for about 10 minutes. 2. Strain the water into a cup and add a pinch of cinnamon powder. 3. Drink this while it is warm. You can also consume a ripe banana before going to bed. Do this every time you feel difficulty in falling asleep. Banana and its peel are rich in potassium, magnesium, tryptophani  An essential amino acid important for protein biosynthesis that is naturally found in milk, banana, and eggs, among other foods. , and vitamins. These essential nutrients regulate the functioning of the brain and the body. They also generate optimum levels of hormones like melatonin and serotonin, thus relaxing the brain and inducing sleep (6), (7), (8).

(c) Honey For Insomnia

1-2 tablespoons honey Have honey before going to bed. You can also add a pinch of Himalayan salt to wake up feeling fresh and energetic. Do this every night before going to bed. Having honey before going to sleep supplies the liver with enough glycogen that it can utilize over the night. When the glycogen levels in the body go down, stress hormones (cortisol) are produced. These disturb your sleep and lead to insomnia. This can be easily controlled by having honey every night. Also, honey is full of antioxidants that reduce the oxidative stress within the body (9).

(d) Milk For Insomnia

A glass of milk Lightly warm up the milk and drink it 10-15 minutes before going to bed. Do this every night. Milk contains tryptophan, which is a calming agent and can help in inducing sleep (5).

2. Best Oils For Insomnia

(a) Lavender For Insomnia

1-2 drops lavender oil or lavender sachet Place the lavender oil drops on the pillow or keep the sachet under your pillow every night. Repeat this every night. Lavender has a pleasant aroma that most of us love. It is mildly sedative and also a mood stabilizer. Its neuroprotective properties reduce anxiety and help you sleep better (10).

(b) Coconut Oil For Insomnia

1 tablespoon coconut oil 1 teaspoon honey A pinch of sea salt

  1. Mix the oil, honey, and salt. 2. Consume this before going to bed. Repeat this every night for sound sleep. Coconut oil is rich in medium-chain fatty acids that supply the body with optimum energy. It also helps in regulating hormonal production, which in turn regulates the sleep cycle (11).

(c) Castor Oil For Insomnia

1-2 drops castor oil Just dab a drop of the oil on your eyelids and rub it in. Be careful not to get any oil into your eyes. Do this before going to bed every night. This is one of those remedies that have been passed down for generations. Castor oil has been shown to induce long hours of sleep, even though its exact mechanism of action is still not known.

(d) Black Seed Oil For Insomnia

1 teaspoon black seed oil A glass of lukewarm water

Ingest the oil and immediately drink lukewarm water. Do this every night before going to bed for at least three to four weeks to notice results. Black seed oil increases the tryptophan levels in the brain. This is required for the synthesis of serotonin and melatonin – the hormones that regulate sleep (12).

(e) Fish Oil For Insomnia

Fish oil capsules Have a capsule once during the day with food. Include fish oil capsules in your daily dietary intake. Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids. DHA, a type of omega-3 fatty acid, helps in the release of melatonin in the brain (13). Thus, including fish oil in your diet as a supplement or in the form of seafood can help to treat your insomnia.

(f) Rosewood Oil For Insomnia

A few drops of rosewood oil Oil diffuser

  1. Add the essential oil to the oil compartment of the diffuser and let the vapors spread around the house. 2. Go to bed as usual. Use this aromatherapy remedy as and when required. This oil is derived from the rosewood tree, which is native to South America. It is a mild sedative and helps to induce sleep (14).

(g) Cannabidiol For Insomnia

You Will Need

Cannabidiol (CBD) products such as CBD oil or CBD capsules

What You Have To Do How Often You Should Do This Do this before bedtime. Why This Works Cannabidiol (CBD) is believed to have potential benefits for insomnia (15 ). A study found that patients given CBD capsules for 15 weeks showed greater improvement in sleep quality and disturbance (16 ) Another study found that cannabidiol may improve the ability to fall asleep (17). Further, CBD may help reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality, which maycan help those struggling with insomnia (18).

3. Best Juice For Insomnia – Tart Cherry Juice

Tart cherry juice Drink eight ounces of tart cherry juice twice a day. Continue drinking this juice every day. Tart cherry juice contains high levels of anthocyanins (antioxidants) and anti-inflammatory substances. Apart from these, it also contains high levels of melatonin. Thus, it helps in regulating the sleep cycle. Scientists showed that sleep disorder patients slept almost 90 minutes more when they drank tart cherry juice (19).

4. Best Herbs For Insomnia

(a) Valerian For Insomnia

1 teaspoon dried valerian root A cup of hot water

  1. Steep the dried root in the water for five to 10 minutes. 2. Strain and drink this herbal tea two hours before going to bed. You can drink this tea every evening/night. This mild sedative will reduce the time it takes for you to fall asleep. It also helps you sleep for a longer time. It works by increasing the amount of a chemical called GABAi  Called gamma-aminobutyric acid, an inhibitory neurotransmitter that blocks the impulses from the brain to nerves to reduce stress. in the brain that exerts a calming effect on the nerves (20). Caution: Valerian root can cause vivid dreams and nightmares in some people. Hence, consult your physician before trying it.

(b) Garlic For Insomnia

1 cup milk A clove of garlic ¼ cup water

  1. Chop the garlic and add it to the milk. 2. Add water to this and boil until a cup of garlic milk remains. 3. Drink this warm milk a couple of minutes before hitting the bed. Drink this every night. The antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of garlic keep the body fluids and organs healthy and infection-free. It also aids in the healthy functioning of the heart and brain, thus regulating the sleep cycle (21).

(c) Jujube For Insomnia

Handful of jujubes (Chinese dates) 2-3 cups of water

  1. Boil the dates in water for about 10 minutes and strain the decoction. 2. Drink a cup of this either hot or cold. You can store the rest in the refrigerator. Drink a cup or two of jujube tea in a day. The seed of the spiny zizyphs plant, jujube has been used in Ancient Chinese herbal medicine for the treatment of sleep-related disorders. It is a mild sedative that affects the hippocampus part of the brain and acts as a natural sleep aid (22), (23).

5. Best Teas For Insomnia

(a) Chamomile Tea For Insomnia

2-3 tablespoons of chamomile flowers 8 ounces of hot water

  1. Take the flowers in a pot or large cup and add the water. 2. Let the herb soak in the water for about 10 minutes. 3. Strain and drink a cup of this beneficial herbal tea. Have up to two cups of chamomile tea in a day. This herbal tea is often nicknamed the ‘sleep tea’. Among the multiple flavonoidsi  A class of natural compounds found in plants that possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. found in chamomile tea, apigenin binds to certain receptors in the brain and causes a relaxant effect (24). You can also add passionflower or hop extract to aid in nocturnal sleep due to their sedative properties.

(b) Green Tea For Insomnia

1-2 tablespoons green tea leaves (decaffeinated) A cup of hot water Honey (optional)

  1. Steep the green tea leaves for a couple of minutes. 2. Strain the decoction and add a dash of honey for flavor. 3. Sip the tea while it is warm. Drink a cup of green tea before going to bed. Green tea is an excellent remedy for sleeplessness. It contains the amino acid L-theanine, which is a good sleep inducer (25).

(c) Rooibos Tea For Insomnia

1-1½ teaspoons of rooibos tea A cup of boiling water Milk (optional) Sugar or honey (optional)

Brew a cup of rooibos tea and have it whenever you have trouble falling asleep. Rooibos tea is commonly used across the globe for insomnia. It has high antioxidant content and no caffeine. It reduces stress and exerts a relaxing and calming effect (26).

6. Lemon Balm For Insomnia

½ – 2 teaspoons of dried lemon balm leaves A cup of hot water

  1. Steep the lemon balm leaves in the water for five minutes. 2. Strain and drink this tea. You can drink two to three cups of this tea daily. Preferably, have a cup an hour or so before going to bed. Like valerian, lemon balm contains compounds that have calming properties. Its mild sedative nature improves the quality and quantity of sleep (27).

7. Vitamins For Insomnia

Certain vitamins are essential to maintain a healthy sleep-wake cycle. In their absence or when their levels drop in the body, it can lead to insomnia. Here is the list of vitamins that are associated with insomnia symptoms:

Vitamins B3, B5, B9, and B12 deficiencies have been linked to insomnia in the past. Weakness, fatigue, and sleeplessness are commonly seen (28). Include foods rich in these vitamins such as eggs, poultry, dairy products, etc. in your diet.

Vitamin A also plays a key role in the healthy functioning of the brain, especially when it comes to sleep and memory (29). Foods with ample vitamin A content are meat, eggs, poultry, and dairy products.

Vitamins C and E are powerful antioxidants and prevent oxidative stress from hindering your sleep cycle (28). Eat plenty of citrus fruits, strawberries, tomato, nuts, olives, wheat germ, and other foods rich in vitamins C and E for sound sleep.

Another vitamin that can help you sleep better is vitamin D. Its main function is the growth and maintenance of healthy bones. Its deficiency can cause sleeplessness and chronic fatigue (30). Soak in the sun and consume vitamin D-rich foods like fish and oysters. Magnesium deficiency can also trigger insomnia. Magnesium helps maintain the levels of GABA, a neurotransmitter that promotes sleep. Research has shown that supplementation of magnesium can improve insomnia in the elderly (31). Consume magnesium-rich foods like leafy greens, pumpkin seeds, legumes, and nuts.

Apart from changes in your diet, you can also opt for vitamin supplements that will supply your body with the right amount of these vitamins. Do consult your doctor if you are unsure about the dosage.

8. Exercise, Yoga, And Meditation

Yoga and meditation are both phenomenal for sleep. They both upregulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for “rest and digest.” Exercising in the morning is great for sleep as well because it would make you tired by the end of the day. Having a sound sleep has an effect on the individual’s mood to exercise the next day (32). You can also opt for gentle yoga, meditation, and chanting. These are age-old techniques for getting better sleep as they align the chakras and soothe your mind. Take a look at our article on Yoga Poses To Cure Insomnia for six wonderful asanas that can become lifesavers for your sleepless nights. If doing yoga and meditation is not your cup of tea, simply chant a resounding‘OM’ or just concentrate solely on your breathing until you drift into a deep slumber. Amanda Jayne O’Hare, a blogger, shared her experience of managing severe insomnia in her blog. She wrote, “ I kept my blackout blinds. So I started to live in spite of my severe, punishing lack of sleep and I started to get my life back; enjoyment back, and the sleep hinted it returns too (i).” What are the symptoms of insomnia? Insomnia is mainly characterized by the inability to either fall asleep or stay asleep or both. You toss and turn throughout the night without a wink of sleep. And even if you do manage to fall asleep, you cannot stay asleep for long. You wake up and the same routine repeats. You wake up in the morning feeling absolutely unrested, tired, irritable, and even depressed. What to avoid to prevent insomnia? Need a good night’s sleep? Make sure you avoid the following:

Do not touch any sources of caffeine at least four hours before bedtime. Caffeine is a sleep wrecker that is found in coffee, colas, and some medicines as well. Switch off cellphones, iPads, laptops, TV, or any other light emitting devices as these stimulate the mind and do not let you fall asleep. Stop smoking. Nicotine, like caffeine, is a natural stimulant and keeps you awake. Excessive amounts of alcohol can also disrupt your sleep cycle. Keep a tab on the amount of alcohol you consume. Eat lighter meals during the evenings and nights. A heavy meal can also hinder your ability to fall asleep. Also, reduce your sugar intake in the evenings to avoid the sugar-high activity of the brain.

Does oil pulling help to treat insomnia? Oil pulling or oil swishing is known to give you healthier teeth and gums and also clear out your sinuses. It is said that it also helps in curing insomnia, but there aren’t any significant results to prove this. People have tried this home remedy, but there is no consistency in the effects it has had on their insomnia symptoms. Can insomnia go away on its own? Yes, insomnia may go away without any medical help. However, you may have to identify and change the habits or problems that disrupt your sleep. Is insomnia a mental illness? No, it’s not. However, mental stress and anxiety may lead to insomnia. It could be a symptom of these issues. Is there a blood test for insomnia? No, there is no specific test to diagnose insomnia. How long will insomnia last? Short-term insomnia may last for 1 to 2 weeks. However, chronic insomnia may last for months. Can you recover from insomnia? Yes, recognizing the root cause of insomnia, following the remedies mentioned above, and making lifestyle changes, like maintaining sleep hygiene which includes having a regular sleep schedule, sleeping in a clean, dark room on a comfortable bed, and removing all electronic devices from the room may help you recover from insomnia. You can also use white noise to mask any other background noise to help you sleep, although it’s not recommended to do so every night. Do not let your mind and body suffer due to insomnia and its after effects. Use the above listed home remedies for insomnia or sleeplessness and do let us know how our article helped you. Share your feedback in the comments section below.

Illustration: Home Remedies For Insomnia That Will Help You Sleep Quickly

Struggling with insomnia? Look no further! This insightful video presents four effective home remedies to tackle sleepless nights. Say goodbye to counting sheep and say hello to a well-deserved, peaceful slumber. Rest, recharge, and reclaim your nights!

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