No! Dandelion tea alone cannot help you, but it acts as a catalyst in your weight loss process. You can consume this beverage as a hydrating drink or between meals, complementing it with necessary lifestyle changes. This article explores the four reasons why this tea is ideal for helping you lose weight. Read on!
4 Effective Ways Dandelion Tea May Help With Weight Loss
Is dandelion tea good for weight loss? Absolutely! It is one of the most effective herbs for weight loss and there are many reasons you should drink dandelion tea as a part of your weight loss strategy. These include the following: What Are Its Benefits? They contain a high level of potassium, one of the most important electrolytes in the body. Who Can Use It? Dandelion tea is especially helpful for those who want to lose weight or manage their weight. How Often? The frequency of using it depends on an individual’s dietary needs and preferences. Caution Anyone can consume it. However, consult your dietitian as it may trigger allergic reactions in some cases.
1. Contains Fewer Calories
Dandelion tea, like most other teas, is low in calories (1). However, it is full of nutrients. This makes it the perfect drink for those who are on a diet. Dandelion tea is the ideal substitute for other calorie-laden drinks like milk or soda.
2. May Help You Lose Water Weight
Dandelion tea contains more potassium than other herbs. This nutrient could act as a diuretici A substance that increases urine production to flush out sodium and toxins. and increase the daily frequency of urination (2). This property may help you lose water weight and prevent water retention.
3. May Lower Fat Absorption
Dandelion root benefits your body by improving digestion and reducing fat absorption. Dandelion tea inhibits the activity of pancreatic lipasei An enzyme secreted by the pancreas in the small intestine to boost digestion. (which is released during fat digestion). Inhibiting this enzyme is known to reduce fat absorption, which may promote weight loss (3).
4. May Promote Fat Breakdown
Taking this healthy drink prior to any meal helps stimulate gastric secretions. Dandelion tea could help with fat burning and the breakdown of cholesterol (4). A study on rabbits fed with a high cholesterol diet showed that dandelion leaf extract improved lipid profilesi A panel of tests to find abnormalities in lipids by measuring amounts of cholesterol and triglycerides. and cholesterol levels (5). This property could play a role in weight management. Latavia Norris, a Youtuber, shares her experience of losing weight by using Dandelion root. She adds that since dandelion root is a little bitter in tea form, she consumes dandelion capsules. She noted, “As soon as I started taking dandelion root extract, I noticed a decrease in my pant size and my appetite was unreal (i).”
Dandelion Root Dosage For Weight Loss
Dandelion consumption may also help with promoting liver health. According to the European Commission and the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia, the following are the recommended dosage ranges of dandelion root (6):
Fresh roots – 2-8 g daily Dried powdered extract – 250-1000 mg, 4 times daily Decoctioni A concentrated extract or liquid obtained by boiling a substance. – 3-4 g daily steeped into 150 ml of water
A Word Of Caution
Dandelion tea is healthy, so there is no restriction on who can drink it. You can consume this herbal tea even if you are not on a diet and would simply like to maintain your weight. This organic tea works well for people who are on a diet as well. However, dandelion tea might trigger allergic reactions in some people. You should consider consulting your dietitian before you start consuming this tea (6). You can incorporate dandelion root tea into your routine to reap its benefits. Check the next section for a simple recipe you can try at home.
Dandelion Root Tea Recipe
1 to 2 tablespoons of dried and chopped dandelion roots 2 cups of water 1 to 2 teaspoons of honey (for taste)
How To Prepare How often should you drink dandelion root tea? You can drink this tea 2-3 times a day. Ensure you drink it between meals and not along with meals. Does dandelion tea make you poop? As per anecdotal evidence, dandelion tea helps relieve constipation and acts as a laxative. Hence, it may make you poop. What are the side effects of drinking dandelion tea? Dandelion tea, if taken in limited amounts, will not cause any side effects. However, people with allergies should check with their doctor before consuming the tea as it may cause allergies in certain people. What does dandelion tea taste like? The tea tastes a little bitter and usually has a strong, smoky taste. How long does it take for dandelion tea to work? Dandelion tea takes about 10-15 days to help you lose the water weight. However, you must also focus on exercising and maintaining a healthy lifestyle to see fast results.
Illustration: Benefits Of Dandelion Root Tea For Weight Loss
Discover the amazing benefits of dandelion tea for weight loss! Check this video to learn why it works and how to make it for yourself.