According to an online study done on 1869 women, 5.2% of them had vulvovaginal candidiasis in the past year. Out of this, it was recurrent in 4.7% of these women. Additionally, 53% of these women reported that their healthcare provider had diagnosed this condition at least once in their lifetime. While medicines can treat vaginal yeast infections, their use may interfere with everyday life. Many of the symptoms can be alleviated by home remedies and natural treatments. The use of hydrogen peroxide has proven effective despite the availability of many herbal remedies. Hydrogen peroxide appears to ease these symptoms in some cases (2). In this article, we shall examine that topic further. You will also learn how hydrogen peroxide can improve your health. Keep reading. What Are Its Benefits? It is an antiseptic and can be used for treating yeast infections. Who Can Use It? Anyone experiencing yeast infections or requiring an antiseptic for minor cuts and injuries. How Often? It can be used once daily. Caution It may cause rashes or a burning sensation in some individuals. Do a patch test before use.

How Does Hydrogen Peroxide Help?

Hydrogen peroxide works by restoring normal vaginal flora and bacteria (3). It also restores the pH balance of the vagina, which could be another contributing factor to yeast infection. Hydrogen peroxide also helps remove clue cells. These are cells on the vaginal skin that are covered with the infection-causing microbes (3). In a healthy vagina, the good bacteria (lactobacillus) produce lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide. These two create an acidic and protective environment, thereby preventing the infection (4). Before exploring how hydrogen peroxide may help treat infections, you should learn the common symptoms of yeast infections to better diagnose the issue.

Symptoms Of Yeast Infections

Here are some common symptoms of yeast infections (1):

Itching Soreness Redness Swelling Burning sensation Abnormal or increased discharge Discomfort and irritation Pain during sexual intercourse Pain during urination

Using hydrogen peroxide as a disinfectant for vaginal yeast infection is simple. But we strongly recommend you use it in addition to your prescribed medications after consulting your doctor.

How To Use Hydrogen Peroxide For Treating Yeast Infection

1. Hydrogen Peroxide With Baking Soda

Baking soda is a mixture of sodium and bicarbonate ions. The mixture dissolves completely in water. It can help remove harmful microbes and odors. Studies show that baking soda can treat a yeast infection by inducing cell death in the Candida fungus (5).

What You Need

¼ – 2 cups of baking soda ¼ – 2 cups of hydrogen peroxide

What You Need To Do

How Often You Should Do This

You can follow this remedy once a day. Note: You may notice some adverse reactions when using baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to treat yeast infections, such as dryness, irritation of the skin, and pH imbalance. In addition, some people may have increased sensitivity or allergic reactions in the vaginal region, which increases their susceptibility to infections. It is best to consult a doctor before using these increases to avoid these reactions.

2. Hydrogen Peroxide With Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar works both as an antibacterial and antifungal agent. Studies show that apple cider vinegar can fight Candida growth. Its antimicrobial properties help fight the yeast infection (6).

What You Need

2 cups of apple cider vinegar 2 cups of hydrogen peroxide

What You Need To Do

How Often You Should Do This

You can follow this remedy once a day. Note: If you notice some complications such as skin irritation, vaginal discomfort, and upset natural pH balance when using this remedy, wash off the ingredients and immediately consult a doctor. It is best to check with your doctor if you can use these ingredients beforehand.

3. Hydrogen Peroxide Soak

This is similar to the previous methods, except that you use hydrogen peroxide alone. As we are aware, hydrogen peroxide restores the beneficial vaginal bacteria. It also flushes out clue cells, which are cells that carry the infection-causing microbes.

What You Need

2 cups of hydrogen peroxide

What You Need To Do

How Often You Should Do This

You can do this once daily. These are the three most popular and effective methods to treat a vaginal yeast infection. Using these over and above your medications can give you better results. A 3% hydrogen peroxide solution works best. Note: The application of a hydrogen peroxide soak for yeast infections may result in adverse reactions, including burning sensations, skin irritation, and vaginal dryness. It may also disrupt the body’s natural pH balance, worsening existing symptoms. Please consult a doctor before using these ingredients. There is another method that is quite popular among proponents of hydrogen peroxide. It is using a hydrogen peroxide douche. This home remedy is as controversial as it is popular, so we want to dispel the ambiguity surrounding it.

To Douche Or Not To Douche?

Douching is a process that involves the use of water to flush out the inside of your vagina. While some purchase the douche bottles with the readymade solution (of water and hydrogen peroxide), you can prepare the solution at home too. But we do not recommend you do. Most studies are against douching for the treatment of vaginal yeast infection. While the process can remove the fungus, it can also flush out the beneficial bacteria. This leads to the eventual overgrowth of pathogens (7). One may also end up pushing the infectious microbes up into the uterus, fallopian tubes, or even the abdominal activity (7). The process can also lead to pelvic inflammation and inflammatory disease, and, in serious cases, even cervical cancer (8). Surprisingly, in a study, vaginal douching led to an increased prevalence of vaginal yeast infection (9). So, what’s the verdict? Do not douche. Using hydrogen peroxide works well in treating vaginal yeast infection. But you may want to exercise caution. Do a patch test first. In some individuals, the substance can cause adverse reactions when it comes in contact with the skin (10). If you experience any symptoms, like rashes or a burning sensation, please discontinue use and consult your doctor immediately. Learn 3 simple ways to use hydrogen peroxide to treat yeast infections. Get relief fast with these easy tips. Watch the video to learn how! Now that you know ways to use hydrogen peroxide for yeast infection, learn about some preventative tips in the following section.

Prevention Tips

Maintain good hygiene and keep the vaginal area clean and dry. Limit your sugar intake and include probiotics in your diet plan. Wear breathable clothing to promote airflow. Avoid irritating products that disrupt the natural vaginal bacteria balance. Drink plenty of water to support overall health.

When should I see a doctor for a yeast infection? If your symptoms don’t go away after treatment, you should consult a doctor immediately. If there is severe discomfort or tenderness, swelling, sharp pains, or a burning sensation, immediately let your doctor know. It is important to consult a doctor if you have any underlying medical conditions, are pregnant, or aren’t sure if your symptoms are due to a yeast infection. Can you get vaginal yeast infection a second time? Yes. Though it is rare, you may experience it a second time. How do you prevent yeast infections? The best way to prevent a vaginal yeast infection is proper health maintenance resulting in a healthy balance of your vaginal bacteria. You can achieve this by keeping your genital areas clean and dry and wearing cotton underwear and loose-fitting pants. Avoid douching and make sure to include probiotics in your diet to prevent yeast infection and for a healthy immune system. You can also manage symptoms and support overall vaginal health by trying some home remedies for a yeast infection. What will happen if a yeast infection is left untreated? An untreated vaginal yeast infection usually goes away on its own without causing serious health complications. However, leaving it untreated for too long can worsen the symptoms and lead to cracks, sores, severe itching, and discomfort.

Illustration: Easy Ways To Use Hydrogen Peroxide For Yeast Infection

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