26 Best Foods That Burn Belly Fat Fast

1. Fruits

Fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and antioxidants (4).  Dietary fiber improves digestion, increases the number and variety of good gut microbes, improves metabolism, and helps lower blood pressure (5). Citrus fruits like orange, lemon, kiwi, tangerine, and fresh limes are good sources of antioxidants and have antimicrobial properties (6), (7). Other fat-burning fruits include apples, watermelons, grapes, and strawberries (8), (9), (10). However, make sure not to overdo it with fruits. Even though they contain lots of vitamins and minerals, they also contain sugar.

2. Pulses

Pulses (or dal ) are protein-rich and low in calories and fat. The lean protein present in pulses helps build lean muscle mass, speeds up metabolism, and improves overall body function (11). Simply boiled dal is healthier than fried or spiced up dal.

3. Fish

Fish are great sources of protein and omega-3 fatty acids (12). Proteins help build muscle, and omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation in the body and increase metabolic rate (13), (14). Also, the lower the inflammation, the lower the chances of gaining weight that is triggered by stress and inflammation.

4. Almonds

Almonds keep your stomach full for a long time due to their healthy fat and protein content. They are good sources of nutrients for vegetarians to burn fat. They are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids that increase energy and metabolism (15).

5. Beans And Legumes

Beans and legumes are good sources of protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Consuming them regularly can help suppress hunger pangs, thereby preventing overeating. They are also great sources of protein for vegans and vegetarians. Try to mix three different legumes to provide your body with different micronutrients (16), (17).

6. Spinach And Other Green Vegetables

Vegetables like spinach, kale, collard greens, radish greens, carrot, broccoli, and turnip are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and dietary fiber (18), (19). These vegetables can help reduce belly fat by increasing satiety, reducing inflammation, and aiding digestion (20), (21).

7. Dairy Products

Full-fat dairy products are recommended as they are loaded with nutrients and can keep you satiated for a long duration, thereby aiding weight loss (22). Slim or skimmed milk is devoid of these nutrients and does not keep your hunger pangs at bay as effectively as full-fat dairy products.

8. Oatmeal

Oats are rich in fiber and aid digestion. They contain insoluble fiber and carbohydrates that curb your hunger and give you energy for your workout (23). Eat oatmeal in the morning with some nut butter or nuts for added protein. When buying oatmeal, make sure that you choose one that is flavorless as flavored oats contain sugar and chemicals.

9. Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a great option to sweeten your breakfast or smoothies. The nut butter is loaded with protein, vitamin E, iron, potassium, zinc,  antioxidants, dietary fiber, and polyphenolsi  A class of naturally occurring organic compounds found in fruits and vegetables with disease-fighting properties. (24). Consume a handful of soaked or boiled peanuts as a snack to curb hunger pangs. Do not go overboard and consume too many peanuts as they are calorie-dense.

10. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Cooking with extra virgin olive oil is good for weight loss and general health because it helps lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and increases the levels of HDL (good) cholesterol (25). It is a weight loss-friendly and heart-friendly oil that you can use to cook or season your food.

11. Whole Grains

Whole grains, such as millet, quinoa, and brown rice, are good sources of protein, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber (26). Consuming them can keep your hunger pangs at bay, aid digestion, and prevent constipation (27), (28), (29). This, in turn, can help you shed the belly fat easily.

12. Protein Powder

Protein powders are a great option if you cannot load up on whole foods that are rich in protein. You can take whey protein, vegan protein powder, or homemade protein powder to help improve muscle mass and increase your metabolism (30).

13. Chia Seeds

It has become a trend now to include chia seeds in smoothies, salads, and breakfast bowls. They are a great source of protein and healthy fats, and two tablespoons of chia seeds contain almost 10 grams of dietary fiber (31). Chia seeds are gluten-free, increase satiety, and have anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, antioxidant, and laxative properties (32).

14. Mushrooms

According to Kayleen St.John, R.D., Executive Director of Nutrition and Strategic Development of Euphebe, low levels of vitamin D are connected to abdominal obesity (33). Mushrooms are good sources of vitamin D (34). They are low in calories, high in protein and water content, and extremely delicious (35).  You can easily prepare mushroom soup or add them to salads and sandwiches to make a delicious lunch or dinner without worrying about calories.

15. Raspberries

Raspberries are loaded with dietary fiber and polyphenols like anthocyanins and ellagitannins (36). The dietary fiber helps add bulk to the stool, improves bowel movement, and keeps you satiated for a long time (37), (38). The antioxidants in them help scavenge the harmful free oxygen radicals, thereby reducing inflammation and inflammation-induced obesity (39), (40). Consume raspberries in breakfast bowls or smoothies.

16. Coconut Oil

Virgin coconut oil increases good cholesterol (HDL cholesterol) levels (41). Use edible-grade coconut oil for cooking. You can also have bullet coffee as your morning drink to keep you charged the entire day. Note: Talk to your physician before consuming coconut oil regularly.

17. Soup

According to Julieanna Hever, author of The Vegiterranean Diet, having soup before meals helps reduce the number of calories you consume. This, in turn, can help prevent fat accumulation in the belly region (42). You need to consume vegetables, chicken, or mushroom clear soup. Ideally, make soups at home to reap the maximum benefits.

18. Eggs

A study published in the International Journal of Obesity compared weight loss after an egg breakfast to that after a bagel breakfast containing similar calories. Participants who consumed two eggs for breakfast lost 65% more weight, and their waist circumference reduced by a whopping 34% (43). This is because eggs are a great source of protein and both water- and fat-soluble vitamins that help keep the hunger pangs at bay and build lean muscle.

19. Spicy Chili Peppers

Chili peppers like cayenne, green chili, and red chili are loaded with vitamin C and capsaicini  An active component in chili peppers responsible for their pungent flavor and burning sensation. that help increase the metabolic rate and insulin sensitivity and help burn fat (44). Add cayenne pepper or red chili flakes to your salads, and green chilis to fritters or omelet. They not only enhance the taste but can also help you lose weight.

20. Broccoli

From reducing obesity to reducing the risk of breast cancer, broccoli offers a wide range of benefits (45), (46). In fact, experts believe that consuming broccoli may improve insulin resistance in people with type 2 diabetes (47). The phytonutrientsi  Natural chemical compounds produced by plants with anti-cancer, cardioprotective, and disease-preventing properties. present in broccoli have the potential to flush out toxins, reduce inflammation, reduce the risk of cancer, and boost overall health (48). Consume blanched or grilled broccoli with salads and soups to reduce weight.

21. Nuts

Nuts like walnuts, macadamia nuts, pine nuts, and pistachios are good for weight loss. They are loaded with healthy fats and protein that increase your satiety levels, improve the taste of food, and prevent you from snacking on other trans fat-loaded junk food. Regular consumption of nuts helps prevent obesity and the risk of type 2 diabetes (49).

22. Farro

Farro or emmer is a wheat product that is dried and sold. It can be consumed after cooking in water and adding to soups and salads. It is high in dietary fiber, iron, and calcium, and low in sodium (50). Dietary fiber keeps you satiated for a long duration and cleanses the colon by improving bowel movement and preventing constipation(5). Consume farro for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and you will notice the difference in your hunger cycle immediately.

23. Yogurt

Yogurt is loaded with good gut bacteria that aid digestion and take care of your gut health (51). In a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, scientists found that women who consumed probiotics lost twice as much weight compared to those who did not (52). Yogurt can be a part of your belly fat diet plan. You can have it plain or make smoothies and salad dressings with it.

24. Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is a fermented food. Kimchi (pickled vegetables) is a good source of probiotics or good gut bacteria that help reduce bloating and improve digestion. According to Frank Lipman, M.D., founder of Eleven Eleven Wellness Center in New York City, including sauerkraut in your diet can help protect your gut from being overtaken by pathogenic bacteria that cause health problems (53). Hence, have some lip-smacking kimchi or sauerkraut to lose weight.

25. Spirulina

Spirulina is a low-calorie, protein-rich, anti-inflammatory, immuno-stimulating, blood lipid-lowering, and blood pressure-lowering single-cell protein (54). Include it in your diet after consulting your doctor. You can add it to salads, smoothies, and juices.

26. Low-Sugar Granola Bar

Low-sugar granola bars are a smart snack choice for those aiming to lose weight. These bars provide energy throughout the day without causing immediate blood sugar spikes. Many of them also contain fiber and protein-rich ingredients like oats, puffed rice, soya protein, and nuts that may help control hunger pangs and support healthy weight loss (55), (56). Consuming them as part of your diet may aid in burning belly fat while providing essential nutrients and keeping you satisfied between meals. Choose low-sugar, fiber-rich, and whole-grain granola bars for the best results on your weight loss journey. These are the 26 belly fat-burning foods you may include in your diet. But have you ever wondered why fat accumulates in your belly? Here’s why. [ Read: Top 15 Drinks That Help You Lose Weight] Vix, a blogger, elucidated how the consumption of unhealthy food contributed to weight gain, while incorporating healthier food choices helped reduce her excess weight and gave her an ideal waistline. She writes, “ Since I started eating more healthily my BMI has gone from 22.26 to 20.56, my waist is back to the size it was in my 30s, I’ve lost a stone in weight (and maintained it for four months) and a lot of the clothes I’d unwillingly sacrificed to the Kinky Melon rails are now back in my wardrobe and that’s all from making a few small changes (i).”

Why Does Fat Accumulate Around Your Belly?

According to a study that featured in the journal Frontiers, the US population is roughly 35.48% obese overall and 53.13% abdominally obese. The age-adjusted prevalence of abdominal obesity grew from 39.07% to 49.73% in men and from 57.58% to 67.33% in women between the years 2001 and 2018. Here are some of the reasons behind the fat accumulation around your belly.

Hormonal Changes

Hormones play a major role in determining fat distribution in the body. Hormonal imbalance can lead to increased hunger, slow metabolism, and increased stress levels, leading to belly fat accumulation (57).


If obesity runs in your genes, you may be more prone to accumulating fat in your belly region (58).


Stress can increase your risk of accumulating belly fat through increased cortisoli  A primary hormone that regulates the body’s stress response and affects every organ and tissue. levels or increasing your food consumption (59).

Lack Of Sleep

Sleep deprivation increases the production of stress hormones in the body, which can lead to overall weight gain (60).

Sugary Foods And Beverages

Sugary foods and beverages are devils in disguise. They contain high amounts of additives, preservatives, and artificial colors, which are major contributors to belly fat (61).


Alcohol is broken down into sugar in the body, and the excess sugar gets converted to fat. Excess sugar from alcohol can also lead to inflammation and inflammation-induced abdominal obesity (62).

Trans Fats

Trans fats are unhealthy fats found in processed and fried foods. They tend to accumulate fat in the belly region and slow down fat metabolism (63).


Being inactive can also lead to the accumulation of belly fat (64). A sedentary lifestyle is a primary reason for the increase in the incidence of obesity worldwide. Desk jobs, sitcoms, and lethargy are pushing people more and more toward obesity and obesity-related diseases.

Low-Protein Diets

Being on a low-protein diet can also be harmful when it comes to losing belly fat. Lack of protein in your diet can lead to high stress and inflammation, increased toxicity, and slow metabolism (65).


Women who are going through menopause experience hormonal changes. High levels of cortisol (or the stress hormone) can be responsible for women gaining belly fat during this period (66).

Low-Fiber Diets

Low-fiber diets can lead to weight gain, especially in the belly region (67). Low-fiber foods include white rice, flour, and peeled fruits. Dietary fiber helps increase satiety and aids stool movement in the colon, preventing the accumulation of belly fat (5). But do not let these reasons deter you from shedding this dangerous type of fat. If you want some other tips on how to lose belly fat, scroll down to the next section to know more.

Other Things To Do To Lose Belly Fat

Avoid packaged fruit juices, soda, and energy drinks. Include protein for every meal and snack. Opt for a low-carb diet Consume foods rich in fiber, especially viscous fiber. Exercise is very effective in reducing belly fat. Hence, you should regularly incorporate flat abs exercises into your workout routine. Practice portion control and meal planning to track your meals and figure out what and how much you are eating.

What drinks help reduce belly fat? Drinks like green tea and lemon water may aid weight loss with healthy lifestyle changes (73) (72). However, it is important to note that they may not help reduce just your belly fat, as spot reduction is not possible. Can I lose belly fat without exercise? Yes, it is possible to lose belly fat without exercise. However, for it, you need to stay in a calorie deficit. This means that you need to burn more calories than you consume. You can reduce your daily calorie intake by opting for a healthy diet free of refined sugar and processed foods. How quickly can I expect results from these foods? The foods mentioned in the article are not a quick fix for achieving a slim waist. You need to be consistent with them and practice a healthy lifestyle to achieve results. If you manage to do so, you may begin to see results in 4-8 weeks. What can I drink at night to lose belly fat? Drinks like aloe vera juice or green tea are safe to consume during bedtime. Aloe vera juice contains antioxidant properties while green tea is a rich source of flavonoids which may help reduce belly fat (68), (69),(70), (71). Does hot water with lemon reduce belly fat? Yes, lemon is a rich source of antioxidants that aid in improving metabolism. This may suppress body fat accumulation and prevent obesity (72). How can I use cinnamon to lose belly fat? You can consume cinnamon in the form of tea. Boil a stick of it and add 1 teaspoon of honey and a few drops of lemon juice (optional) to enhance its effect.

Illustration: Belly Fat Burning Foods To Eat For A Slim Waist

Discover 8 ingredients that can help you lose that stubborn belly fat. Check out this video for more tips to begin your path to a healthy you.

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