Abdominal Exercises Are Important

You can choose from various kinds of exercises and activities to lose weight and make your body healthier and fitter. Most people tend to accumulate weight around their abdomen and hips, especially women. This can be dangerous. The fat deposits in the abdominal area are directly connected to the development of cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks and strokes. Various abdominal exercises will help to dissolve the fat around the area. The seated Russian twist is one such exercise. If you play sports frequently, this is a very good exercise as it gives increased flexibility and enhances the strength of the oblique muscles.

Seated Russian Twist Exercise

This exercise involves all the core muscles. A twisting motion helps to work the muscles. The exercise is rumored to have originated in Russia during the Cold War, hence the name. Find out below how to do Russian twists.

Directions To Do The Exercise

A blogger shares her love for Russian twists and states in one of her blog posts, “For me, there are many great exercises that really work for my abs, but it’s those hard-to-reach obliques that really need attention for me, and for this, my favorite exercise is, without doubt, the good old-fashioned seated Russian Twist (i).” She also suggests modifying the exercise by lifting your feet off the floor and adds, “My personal preference is to perform the exercise this way as I feel the stomach working harder this way.” Caution: If you are a beginner to this exercise, learning how to properly perform a seated Russian twist from a trainer can aid in reduced risk of back pain. Avoid overdoing this exercise as well.

10 Best Benefits Of Seated Russian Twist

But if you face any difficulty performing the seated Russian twist, you may try a few other alternatives.

Alternative Exercises To Seated Russian Twist

1. Plank Rotations

2. Side-lying Leg Lifts

Can the seated Russian twist help reduce the risk of lower back pain? Yes. It may help reduce the risk of lower back pain. Bryan Wright, an experienced physical therapist, says, “I see the seated Russian twist as a helpful exercise for core stabilization and strength. When performed properly and with the guidance of a physiologist, it can reduce back pain risks by improving spine alignment and posture.” Can the seated Russian twist be modified for pregnant women or those with limited mobility? Yes, you can modify the exercise. Wright says, “For those with limited mobility, the exercise can be modified by using a resistance band instead of a weight plate.” He also adds, “However, individuals with spine injuries or pregnancy should avoid twisting motions and consult their doctor. If discomfort arises, reduce the weight and range of motion or stop the exercise altogether.” Is the Russian twist effective? Yes, Russian twists are very effective when it comes to targeting the oblique muscles present at the side of your belly. Do Russian twists burn love handles? Yes, Russian twists help burn love handles or the excess fat at the side of your belly. What muscles does a Russian twist work? Russian twist works on the obliques, abs, and lats. How many Russian twists should I do? Start with 3 sets of 10-12 Russian twists. Gradually increase it to 3 sets of 25 Russian twists. Are Russian twists good for obliques? Yes, the Russian twist exercise is good for slimming and shaping the obliques. Do Russian twists make your waist bigger? No, the Russian twist doesn’t make your waist bigger. Rather, it is considered one of the best twist exercises for a slim waist. Are Russian twists better than sit-ups? Russian twists are better for the obliques and work the abs, whereas sit-up exercises are more focused on the abs. Can Russian twists alone give you abs? While Russian twists are an excellent way to strengthen and tone your core muscles, you also need to do cardio exercises and follow a good diet if you want to get flat abs. Master the Russian twist with this step-by-step video guide. Learn proper form, variations, and tips to maximize your core strength and sculpt your obliques effectively. Get ready to twist and tone by checking out the video below!

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